

The MDMI Steering Group has developed a Strategic Roadmap as a living document that frames and guides the Initiative’s efforts to transform the medicines development ecosystem over the coming years. The Strategic Roadmap provides a comprehensive strategy to integrate MDTs and stakeholders in the medicines development ecosystem to ensure continued access to important medicines for all patients. The long-term goal of the Initiative and the roadmap is to create a modern approach that brings together stakeholders and creates a more integrated, streamline ecosystem that will facilitate the use and integration of MDTs.

“Our goals can only be reached through the vehicle of a plan. There is not other route to success.”

Pablo Picasso

The strategy for integrating MDTs and stakeholders includes three core components outlined in the graphic below:
  1. A defined vision for the iterative expansion of MDT use and the combination of ways in which MDTs can be used collectively in an integrated ecosystem, expanding from limited pockets of success to broader application and acceptance.
  2. Strategic Initiatives of the Steering Group that will accelerate the integration process in specific diseases or populations leveraging the concepts and strategies developed in the LIITs.
  3. Four core strategies to create an environment that supports the development of those strategic initiatives.  These include establishment of a “Doctrine of Risk”, Development of a “Framework of Extrapolation”, creation of “exchange Fora” and cultivation of the Drug Development Ecosystem.

“However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results.”

Winston Churchill